Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Service Culture At Ritz Carlton
The Service Culture At Ritz Carlton This paper mainly presents the service culture at Ritz Carlton. The paper discusses the service culture in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. This paper covers some background history of the hotel as stated on the corporate website, service strategies golden rules incorporated by the hotel chain. With real life examples taken from interviews by professionals the service culture is illustrated and explained. The purpose of this is to inform and educate what the service culture includes and how Ritz Carlton maintains outstanding service atmosphere in all its branches across the world. This paper also states how Ritz -Carlton executes the service offered as stated in an interview taken by Jankowski. The line-up for which the hotel is known for is also discussed along with employee feedback, empowerment and their focus on service. The heritage of Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. started with The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The service standard set by this Boston landmark provided a standard for all Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts across the world. In 1927, Mayor Curley requested Edward N. Wyner, who was a Boston real estate developer, to construct a world-class hotel. During this time, Wyner was constructing an apartment building. He agreed to change the apartment building into a hotel. Wyner was aware both of Ritzs reputation in Europe and Bostons cosmopolitan society and knew that the name would definitely bring success. After getting authorization from The Ritz-Carlton Investing Company and The Ritz Paris for using their name, he started work on the luxury hotel in Boston. The Ritz-Carlton, Boston opened its doors on May 19, 1927 charging $15 per room. As was the tradition of Cesar Ritz, Wyner maintained the privacy of his guests that attracted the elite. This policy is followed till today at all Ritz-Carlton hotels. Considered a private club for rich people, until 1960s the hotel was very formal and hotel guests had to be in the social register or admirable. It was believed that the hotel sometimes checked the quality of writing paper used by the guests when requesting reservations, having refused a few for having used inferior quality. As Boston society was formal, strict dress code was specified for all guests. Even the restaurants were strict regarding who they chose to entertain. The Cafà © did not allow women to lunch alone and until 1970, the Ritz Bar did not allow unescorted women. The hotel had its own upholstery, print shop and an in-house craftsman who was assigned to color gold stripes on the hotels furniture. Many guests were pampered and every care was taken to make them feel special. For Winston Churchill, the rooms fabric on the furniture was redone in red, as it was his favorite color. After Edward Wyner death in 1961, Cabot, Cabot Forbes (land developers) with their chairman and majority stakeholder, Gerald W. Blakely, took over the hotel. To continue with the Ritz legacy, Charles Ritz, son of legendary Cesar Ritz, was appointed on the board of The Ritz-Carlton until his death in 1977. In 1983, Blakely sold the hotel and the rights to William B. Johnson, who then established The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. The Ritz-Carlton logo created by Cesar Ritz is a combination of the British royal seal (the crown) and the logo of a financial backer (the lion). In 1965, Cabot, Cabot and Forbes revised the logo which is used till date. In many Ritz-Carlton hotels and resorts tables are set with the signature cobalt blue glasses which were considered a status symbol in 1920s Boston. These glasses were originally made to go with the blue Czechoslovakian crystal chandeliers present in the original Dining Room in The Ritz-Carlton, Boston. The window glasses which were imported from Europe chemically reacted with Bostons climate and turned blue. Having blue glass windows meant the owners could afford imported glass so Ritz ordered them in blue color (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010). Discussion Gold Standards This is the base on what The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. stands. They cover the values and philosophy on what the hotel bases its operation: The Credo The Motto The Three Steps of Service Service Values The 6th Diamond The Employee Promise 1. The Credo At Ritz-Carlton Hotel genuine care and comfort of guests is of highest importance. Emphasis on providing the finest personal service and facilities for guests is important. Guests are offered a refined ambience which they can experience while relaxing. In their words The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010). 2. Motto At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen. This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010). 3. Three Steps of Service A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guests name. Anticipation and fulfillment of each guests needs. Fond farewell. Give a warm good-bye and use the guests name. (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010) Service Values: I Am Proud To Be Ritz-Carlton. These include: I build strong relationships and create Ritz-Carlton guests for life. I am always responsive to the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our guests. I am empowered to create unique, memorable and personal experiences for our guests. I understand my role in achieving the Key Success Factors, embracing Community Footprints and creating The Ritz-Carlton Mystique. I continuously seek opportunities to innovate and improve The Ritz-Carlton experience. I own and immediately resolve guest problems. I create a work environment of teamwork and lateral service so that the needs of our guests and each other are met. I have the opportunity to continuously learn and grow. I am involved in the planning of the work that affects me. I am proud of my professional appearance, language and behavior. I protect the privacy and security of our guests, my fellow employees and the companys confidential information and assets. I am responsible for uncompromising levels of cleanliness and creating a safe and accident-free environment. (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010) The 6th Diamond Mystique (service value 1 to 3), Emotional Engagement (service value 4 to 9) and Functional (service value 10 to 12) (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010) According to Coffman (2006), who led the Ritz Carlton team to define new service value, the middle piece of the Sixth Diamond is reviving the emotions and memories of guests by genuinely caring and making them feel recognized, important and unique. Creating the Mystique happens when we hear guests requests even before the guest knows them, going so above and beyond the call that folklore (wow moments) spreads throughout guests and hotels. The Employee Promise At The Ritz-Carlton, our Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests. By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company. The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton Mystique is strengthened. (Ritz Carlton Hotel Company LLC, 2010) The Lineup In Ritz-Carlton new employees learn the Golden Rules and they spend every day of their employment discussing one of the 20 Basics. This is done during The Lineup which is considered as the hotels most important tool. To illustrate the working of this tool we can imagine an employee who works with the kitchen staff and for initial 10-15 minutes of the day speaks with their team. They like others in the hotel, discuss one of the 20 Basics. A days discussion could center on Basic 10 which states that each employee is empowered. Therefore, when a guest needs help or suggestion, employees should break away from regular duties, address and resolve the issue immediately. Similarly, senior management meets with their top executives and respective teams. Dishwashers, doormen, and maintenance staff meet their groups respectively and discuss the meaning of Basic 10. The discussion revolves around situations, both hypothetically and in present reality. All 25,000 Ritz-Carlton employees act similar in their respective locations. So when the discussion cycle is completed with all Basic 20, the next day, everyone starts all over again, with Basic 1 (Lamton, 2003). Employee Empowerment The word empowerment is believed to be originally thought by the Ritz-Carlton. An amount is fixed on the employees resources for solving a problem immediately, without checking with a supervisor. An employee can use up to $2,000 to find an instant solution to a guests problem. An employee cannot avoid difficult situations by saying that its not their job. One cannot be limited with ones job descriptions when guest satisfaction is at stake. Employees need to step outside job boundaries, and no one questions them when they do so because it is more important to solve the issue (Lamton, 2003). Ongoing Employee Feedback Employees are empowered when occasional problems comeup and the hotels executives support, and reward continuous employee input. The hotel believes that employees are aware of what is happening, and the management must listen to them. The new employees might be asked about their opinion on improving service several times a month. Decisions are made by a small number of management staff and their reports are put into practice without any difficulty. The selection of employees is a team effort too. A supervisor does not hire an employee without taking opinions of candidates potential colleagues nor does Human Resources hire a new employee without group consultation (Lamton, 2003). Telling Wow Stories Stories can be used promote the culture and values of a company. In Ritz Carlton during the lineup, someone reads a wow story of the day. A story is communicated to all hotels in different countries. An employee in New York will hear the same story as an employee in Bali; same for one in Shanghai. These stories focus on a staff person who performs beyond his/her job description and offers a perfect service which creates an aura that alters luxury one time guests into repeat guests. There is a wow story of a family which stayed at the Ritz-Carlton, Bali. This family had carried with them special eggs and milk for their son who was suffering from food allergies. When they arrived they noticed that the eggs were broken and the milk had gone bad. The Ritz-Carlton manager and dining staff tried to look for alternatives in the local market could not find the any suitable items. Luckily the executive chef at this particular resort knew of a store in Singapore that sold them. He immediately got in touch with his mother-in-law, and asked her to buy the products and fly to Bali to give it to him at the hotel. The family was extremely happy. After such an experience, this particular family was definitely converted into a repeat customer. These stories have two functions. The first is to identify an employees dedication in front of colleagues and second is to emphasize a service value. In the above story of a family in Bali the intension was to reinstate service value No. 7: Use teamwork to meet the individual needs of our guests. This can be considered as an ideal way to express what is expected from the employees. Each story restates the way Ritz expects employees to act and shows how each employee contributes to the service values. Gallo compared two lineups; first a general one and second a more specific meeting for the housekeeping staff on the morning shift. Gallo noticed about both meetings that there was a keen interest these employees showed had outshined the enthusiasm that was observed in other companies. Employees were enthusiastic to share. The stories served as teaching tools. Two, 15-minute lineups across 61 hotels, 365 days a year. The hotel offered many hours of training to its employees but it all will not result in anything concrete unless employees were connected on an emotional level. Sharing stories helps in this matter (Gallo, 2007). Focus on Service Every single Ritz-Carlton staff member is entrusted to use up to $2,000 on a guest. Thats not per year but per incident. It is not used often, but it shows a deep trust in the staffs decision. They could use more than the designated amount after the general managers permission. The notion is to create an extremely amazing stay for a guest. It is not necessary that there is a problem, it could be something as simple as a guests birthday, an employee arranging champagne and cake in the room. Many times $2000 is to create an outstanding experience. The stories include instances of a carpenter being hired to construct a shoe tree for a guest; a laundry manager who when not being able get a stain out of a dress after trying two times took a flight from Puerto Rico to New York and returns back the dress personally; or in Dubai when a server overhears a guest speaking to his wife, on a wheelchair, that he felt bad that he was not able to take her to the beach. The waiter informs the maintenance, and the next afternoon a wooden walkway was created down the beach leading to a tent set up for dinner for them. The general manager was not made aware of this until it was complete (Reiss, 2009). Listening to customers makes it easier to personlize the service. Computers make it easier today. Ritz has a guest recognition system that has data on clients individual preferences (Janelle Maul, 2000, p.225). In an interview conducted with Diana Oreck, Vice President Ritz Carlton Leadership Centre, she throws light on how Ritz Carlton executes service culture. Following are the points made by her: Determine Culture The credo has to be clear and easy to understand. The hotel has steps of service that shows the attitudes toward interactions between employees and customers. The Ritz-Carltons three steps are: Greet guests warmly and sincerely, and use their names. Anticipate and fulfill the guests requests. Bid guests a fond farewell, and use their names. From the above, the most difficult is the second point. One can easily provide service if asked directly. It gets challenging when one has to develop an attitude that enables one to be sensitive enough to clients to foresee their needs (Jankowski, 2008). Surprise and Delight Wanda Jankowski states that recently she had stayed at a Ritz-Carlton to give her presentation. She was losing her voice and was surprised to notice that within five minutes of her arrival, the front desk person who received her during check-in sent to her room a handwritten note and a tea bag in the envelope. The note stated that hot water, lemon, and honey was coming. Hotels can train employees to anticipate clients needs. It can range from being able to sense whether a client needs more information or a suggestion regarding a storage facility while their house is being remodeled. The key is to surprise and delight customers. Employees are not expected to be on autopilot when clients needs are to be anticipated. It is important management and owner of the company to practice what they preach. If theyre not practicing service-centric values, they cant expect it from their employees (Jankowski, 2008). Reinforce Values Daily Ritz Carlton has a two-day formal orientation for its employees. 15 minute meeting are then held daily so that employees can register the cultural values. The companys values and ways to apply them in different situations are discussed. The attendances for these meetings are nonnegotiable. Every Monday and Friday, outstanding examples of customer service are discussed. These examples help in motivating employees and help them absorb service values. These examples include how each employee can treat another employee and guests. An example stated in Ritz -Carlton Atlanta, is of a guest who was asked his preference in a newspaper he would like in the morning. The guest replied that he did not need a paper, but desired a pizza right that moment. Within half an hour a sizzling hot pizza was delivered in his room. Ritz-Carlton has been able to measure through research that satisfied customers spend more money. On average employees have 40 hours to find a solution and make an impact on the customer (Jankowski, 2008). Conclusion Ritz Carlton is a hotel chain that signifies excellence. The service culture that was created in the first hotel in Boston was used as a model to replicate in other branches. Going beyond their call of duty is what Ritz Carltons employees pride themself on. The Gold Standards created by the hotel is followed in all its branches and any one is expected to be discussed every single day. The execution of service culture as stated by the Diana shows how the hotel chain considers it as an integral part of the hotel. Ritz-Carltons success has be in effectively using the information provided by its customers. Treating customers like guests and providing an unforgettable experience is what Ritz-Carlton believes in.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Society and History of Class Struggles :: Shakespeare History Essays
Society and History of Class Struggles At first glance, sixteenth century Shakespearian drama and the nineteenth century dialectic philosophy expressed by Marx and Engels share no probable relationship to one another. Upon closer examination, however, developments in contemporary Shakespearian England illustrate that the social and economic centralization that generate the necessary characteristics of a proto-modern nation state were emerging in sixteenth century England. The unprecedented urbanized demographic shift created by the Enclosure Acts, which enabled the systematic destruction of the feudalistic relationship between the peasantry and the nobility; the emergence of a state sponsored market economy; the destruction of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and the resulting ascendancy of English navel power; and the galvanizing image of English nationalism contained in the figure of Queen Elizabeth I all provided a compelling backdrop for the existence of modern class based antagonisms within Shakespearian dramatic theme s. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play, The Merchant of Venice, a modernistic class-conscious theme develops around how several of the playââ¬â¢s characters manipulate sources of wealth in order to achieve social equality. The rise of international markets, readily available sources of credit, and the overall "commodification of English society" (Lecture, 9/3/03) had created a new commercial dynamic in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s era that gave form to a financial meritocracy never before possible in English history. Consequently, in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play, the tension that results from the challenges presented to the status quo by the commercialization of society manifests itself through the exchange of gifts and debts between three principle relationships. In the characters of Antonio, Portia, and Shylock, Shakespeare illustrates that as a result of the commodification of society even the motivations for expressing generosity are now subject to a cost/benefit analysis. Variously stifled by the traditional limitations placed upon on them by their social positions, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s central characters in The Merchant of Venice seek to address their frustrations through an economic advantage, which in the end analysis, works to emphasize a connection between Shakespeare and the basis of modern class antagonisms. The relationship between Antonio and Bassanio exemplifies the business nature of friendship portrayed throughout The Merchant of Venice.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Adolf Hitlers Rise To Power To Rule Germany History Essay
My address is about the life of a German corporal who fought in World War I, received 2 decorations, joined the German Worker ââ¬Ës Party, led it, and participated in World War II, as the leader of Germany. In other words, my address is about Adolf Hitler. Since none of us would be interested to be re-told the narrative of the second World War, I will concentrate chiefly on Hitler ââ¬Ës rise to power, which occurred between the 2 World Wars. I would wish to portion with you Hitler ââ¬Ës rise to power, from the terminal of World War I in 1919 boulder clay Hitler ââ¬Ës presidential term in 1934.Body:Even though World War I ended severely for Germany, which sustained terrible economic, military, and human losingss, Hitler remained in the German Army and served as a constabulary undercover agent whose mission was to infiltrate a little party called the German Worker ââ¬Ës Party. Harmonizing to Richard Bessel in his book ââ¬Å" Nazism and War â⬠, it was so when Hitler was interested and fascinated in the anti-semitic, anti-Marxist, and anti-capitalist thoughts that this party endorsed. As Hitler ââ¬Ës addresss grew more and more popular in the party assemblages, a founding member called Dietrich Eckhart found an involvement in Hitler. Hitler references him in his autobiography ââ¬Å" My Struggle â⬠as his wise man. Eckhart helped Hitler frock elegantly, charm people to fall in the cause, and run into of import people in the authorities In March 1920, as Hitler grew more and more popular, he took charge of the party and had it renamed to the National Socialist German Worker ââ¬Ës Party, and was later discharged from the armed forces, harmonizing to ââ¬Å" The Hitler Book â⬠. ( Passage: Now that we know how Hitler gained popularity truly fast, allow ââ¬Ës see how he used it to his advantage. ) In 1924, Hitler was fed up from the weak German authorities and attempted a putsch in Munich which he referred to as the Beer Putche in his 2nd book titled ââ¬Å" The Secret Book â⬠. His effort was foiled by the German military and Hitler was sentenced to 5 old ages of gaol. Ironically, the same adult male who caused to Jewish race murder got his sentence reduced to 9 months due to good behaviour, but Hitler learned his lesson. As his life on www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org stated, Hitler ââ¬Ës captivity ââ¬Å" transformed him from an unqualified adventurer into a astute political tactician â⬠. Subsequently in 1925, after Hitler besides managed to unban his party and recover authorization to give public addresss, he successfully brought more people to fall in the Nazi party. His oratory accomplishments helped him convey Left and Right flying motions together, and Hitler was ready to travel in the elections. In 1928, Hitler started by holding a mere 2 % of the ballots and 12 seats in the Reichstag. Then, he shifted his tactics ; Hitler won over the industrialists, the conservativists, and even the Army circles. And in 1930, he managed 18 % of the ballots with 107 seats. Two old ages subsequently, Hitler got 37 % of the ballots with 230 seats. ( Passage: Now that Hitler formed a successful party with over 200 seats in the Reichstag, allow us see his ultimate rise to power, the way to presidential term. ) Harmonizing to ââ¬Å" The Hitler Book â⬠, the Nazis started deriving cardinal places in the authorities, and Hitler was non satisfied. In 1933, President Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor. And as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hitler helped the Nazi party by extinguishing its oppositions, by censoring the Communist Party of Germany and the Social Democratic Party, and subsequently by declaring the Nazi party as the lone legal party in Germany. Then in 1934, after President Hindenburg ââ¬Ës decease, Hitler assumed bid as the Leader and Chancellor of the Third Reich, holding 85 % of the ballots. After taking control politically, Hitler started coercing military leaders to vacate their stations merely to be filled by himself or other fellow Nazis so that all the state ââ¬Ës powers would be left in the custodies of one adult male, himself.Decision:In decision, even though Hitler had lifted the state from the economic depression it was enduring, he got greedier and took his power hungriness to a whole new degree, a war on all of Europe, which led him to a downward spiral bing him the war, the state, and his life. My intent was non merely to inform you of the inside informations of Hitler ââ¬Ës rise to power, but besides of the tactics behind that. How could one adult male addition so much power so fast? In his book ââ¬Å" My Struggle â⬠, Hitler said that the reply is in his power of persuasion by his inspiring addresss. His oratory accomplishments led the German people to swear him to run their state. If a adult male, who subsequently killed 1000000s of Jews, was elected president due to his unwritten accomplishments, what would people, possessing these same unwritten accomplishments, but with good purposes, subsequently do in life?
Friday, January 3, 2020
I am a Teacher of Post-secondary Education - 1810 Words
The Profound information Post-secondary teachers instruct students in a variety of academic subjects. Post-secondary teachers also conduct research and publish books (Postsecondary Teachers). Most importantly post-secondary teachers help students gain knowledge in a specific course. Although the process of becoming a post-secondary teacher is long, to become a professor, a person needs to have a high level of education, be conscious of job marketability, and the end result will be rewarding. ââ¬Å"When I decided to become a teacher ,I didnââ¬â¢t think about education or how long I would be in school, I just thought about what I wanted to beâ⬠(Woodlief). To become a post-secondary teacher, education is a huge part of the process. Aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Graduate school is four years and to receive a PhD at Washington University in St.Louis requires a minimum of four years of attendance (Graduate School of Arts Sciences). The total Length of education with the inclusion of undergraduate schooling is a minimum of twelve years. To become a post-secondary teacher a person must obtain a teaching license (Woodlief). The teaching license is better known as a teacher certification to begin teaching (Postsecondary Teachers). While finishing graduate school a graduate need to take a series of tests to become a licensed teacher. To obtain the teacher certification in Louisiana there are standardized tests and a certification program to take (Become a Teacher in Louisiana). Louisiana issues three levels of the teacher certificate (Become a Teacher in Louisiana). The professional certificate first part is justifiable for three years (Become a Teacher in Louisiana). The second part is abled to be renewed every five years, but only issued to teachers with at least three years of experience. 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